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Mediocrity is your friend!

I know I have been MIA lately, but I have been going through an....adjustment period. Before launching SimpleFAKs, I started a new job in higher education. It is a “leadership” role. I am also working on additional life coach certifications and creating new products for SimpleFAKs. Oh and I try to workout, meditate, practice mindfulness and have a resemblance of a social life.

With companies trying to “return back to normal”, I have been a little overwhelmed and stressed. And I will not allow myself to be stressed.

I always keep multiple things on my plate; but why?

I have lived always seeking greatness in everything that I do. However, COViD has taught me to live a little. And I have decided to embrace mediocrity in certain aspects of my life. We often view the word mediocre as something negative. But does it have to be? If I get the job done and it is average, isn't the job still complete?

I know this is a notion that may be hard to accept, especially for those of us who like to ‘give our all’ to whatever we are doing. My screen saver on my phone literally says “Being Great and Shit!” (Shoutout to Za at FBF)

But hear me out…

During my doctoral journey, I was working full time and an adjunct instructor, trying to have a life and maintain my health. I would choose between stressing over an assignment or taking a minute to relax. As an advocate for balance and protecting my peace, I chose to relax sometimes. I asked myself “Why do I need an A in this class? No one is going to ask me my GPA once I am Dr. King!” Also, during the dissertation process, my support system reminded me that a perfect dissertation is a completed dissertation. These are things I have reflected on the last few months.

If you allow it, these companies will work you until you cannot work any more. People will use you until you are all used up. I will not have that! I will do my job (and please know that everything I put my name on will be up to par) but I don’t need to be great all the time. Sometimes I will be...mediocre. I don’t need to stand out, I need to survive and be healthy and happy. I do not need to work 12-15 hours a day, 9 is sufficient. I do not have to go to every outing that I am invited to; sometimes I just need to be alone. There is nothing wrong with being average as long as you are happy with your choices.

The last few months have been a balancing act. I needed to learn and embrace all of the new roles in my life and how I wanted to handle those roles. It took time. I am good with that. Learning takes time, growth takes time, and adjusting takes time. During that time, I realized that I do not need to be great at everything. Everyone doesn't need nor deserve my greatness. Some things deserve mediocrity.

So I challenge you to embrace mediocrity in an effort to protect your peace!

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