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Writer's pictureDr. FAK

Ignorance is Bliss!!

It may be cliche’ but PROTECT YOUR PEACE! There is a lot going on in the world and sometimes you may need to just step away and that is okay. Sometimes I disconnect from the socials and refuse to check the news. I watch reruns of my favorite shows (I can't count how many times I’ve watched The Carmichael Show, A Different World and Living Single) and I take time to live in MY moment. I have learned to allow myself to be ignorant. And ignorance is bliss. I don’t have the energy to know about everything and still function at my highest quality every day. I can’t keep up with all the murders, the protest, the changing laws, and the social inequities across the USA. And i'm okay with I used to feel that I had to know what was going on, I had to watch CNN and Fox News, I had to see all perspectives and really grasp what was happening. I had to know about EVERYTHING that was going on and be able to articulate an opinion. It is draining...and I will not be drained. I'm not watching the trial or following the protest...I will not watch a video of another murder at the hands of anyone...I refuse to watch Them and Two Distant Strangers and I challenge you to do the same. Take a week away from things that bring you angst and only read or watch things that give you joy...go outside and take a walk...put your phone on DND. Allow yourself to be ignorant for just a moment in time and note how your mood changes. Take the time to write about how you were feeling before going on this blissful journey and after your allotted time has passed, make note of how you feel now. See that difference and embrace those small changes.

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Maria King
Maria King
Apr 20, 2021

I absolutely agree 100%!! It’s impossible to keep up with social media events and be present and effective in our own daily happenings. In this season of my life I’ve learned that PEACE is a MUST!! You can’t function properly without it. Thank you Dr. King!!


Thank you for this, I feel that I’m at the stage where you mentioned about watching both CNN and Fox News to hear the different sides of everything and to try to make sense of it all. Maybe it is time for a little disconnection.


Apr 20, 2021

To be honest I am ignorant to the local news in atl but i do keep up with CNN. I am not mentally equipped to handle Atl local news. Lately with everything going on I’m fearful of being in huge settings. Great Read!


Kristen Jones
Kristen Jones
Apr 20, 2021

I’ve been making sure to unplug from the world as well. To try to keep up with everything going on in the world, is draining! Thanks for this post Dr. FAK 💜

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